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Bending the Curve of Maternal Mental Health with Products across Continuum of Care

Sponsored White Paper

Effcacy Summary of MamaLift and MamaLift Plus

Presented By

Curio Digital Therapeutics

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Published on Nov 13, 2023

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This white paper represents the views of the author, not America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP). The publication, distribution or posting of this white paper by AHIP does not constitute a guaranty of any product or service by AHIP.


The following efficacy summary describes the Curio Platform offerings for maternal mental health. Curio Digital Therapeutics has developed an AI-driven predictive tool to identify and risk-stratify members at risk for developing postpartum depression. Combined with neurobehavioral interventions, the Curio Platform affords an opportunity for plans to reduce costs while improving the quality of care. Efficacy summaries for Curio’s MamaLift and MamaLift Plus neurobehavioral interventions are described.