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AHIP Recommendations to Chairman Hatch Regarding Health Reform

Comment Letter

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Published on May 25, 2017

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On May 24, AHIP responded to a request from Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch to provide input on key issues regarding health reform. AHIP appreciates Chairman Hatch’s leadership in engaging a broad range of stakeholders to advance patient-centered reforms.

In its recommendations, AHIP emphasized the essential link between Medicaid and the Individual market. Policy changes affecting Medicaid beneficiaries will have implications for the individual market, and vice versa. AHIP believes there is opportunity to enhance the role of Medicaid health plans in providing patient-centered and coordinated care, delivering high quality and better health outcomes for beneficiaries, and moving more rapidly toward value-based systems.

The individual market continues to face challenges, which are both due to structural and policy issues from the ACA, as well as from current uncertainty that continues to exist. While the AHCA takes some positive steps toward affordable access to high-quality coverage options, time is swiftly running out for the certainty needed for 2018.

Read the full letter for our policy recommendations for:

  • Short-term stability in the individual market.
  • A stable transition period.
  • What’s needed for Medicaid beneficiaries, including funding and flexibility.
  • Long-term market priorities for delivering choice, quality and access to affordable coverage.

AHIP wants to continue to work with policymakers and the administration to ensure the strength of all health care markets. We appreciate their engagement.