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AHIP Comment Letter to CMS on MA and Part D Proposed Rule for CY 2019

Comment Letter

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Published on Jan 16, 2018

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AHIP offers recommendations to ensure stability and enhance flexibility for Medicare Advantage and Part D plans

We commend CMS for proposing a range of creative ideas that build on the successes of the Medicare Advantage and Part D programs, and appreciate the opportunity to comment. AHIP and our members strongly support many of the provisions in the Proposed Rule, which will encourage innovation, allow additional flexibility, and reduce unnecessary burden. We believe that many of the proposals would result in beneficiaries having more options for finding the high quality, cost-effective plan that best meets their needs.

This week, AHIP submitted our comments on the Proposed Rule. Included in our letter to Administrator Verma, we propose two main changes: improving and increasing transparency for quality ratings and taking serious action to address the impact of rising drug costs.

We look forward to working together with the agency and the Administration to protect and strengthen these programs that continue to offer quality care and improve health outcomes for tens of millions of Americans.