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Stabilizing the Economy Means Stabilizing Employer-Provided Coverage


Published Apr 14, 2020 • by AHIP

The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis unmatched in its magnitude. From its highly infectious nature, to its heartbreaking mortality rates, to its impact on our ability to work and interact with one another – the virus continues to affect each and every one of us in ways that are unprecedented and unforeseen.

We are all leaning in to help each other overcome COVID-19. Communities are rallying together to care for seniors and feed families in need. Schools are finding new ways to connect with students. Hospitals and doctors are fighting the battle on the front lines of the pandemic. Health insurance providers are protecting patients from the unexpected health care costs of COVID-19 and lending additional support to our health care heroes on the front lines. And businesses across the nation are doing everything they can to keep their people employed, and to keep families healthy and safe.

Congress and the Administration have been working hard to provide much-needed relief to the American people. Together, they have enacted three disaster aid packages – the most recent of which directed more than $2 trillion to help stabilize American businesses and the economy and to help support our frontline hospitals and doctors.

This was a critical step – and there is more we must do. Supporting America’s businesses is about more than defending jobs. It’s also about defending businesses that provide health care coverage to more than 180 million Americans.

The coverage they receive is a critical pathway to affordable access to care, effective ways to improve health, and financial stability and security. Businesses of all sizes provide strong coverage for employees and their loved ones. The protection of employer-provided coverage delivers peace of mind, particularly when facing down a pandemic.

Employer-provided coverage also helps drive a healthy economy. When Americans have good jobs with quality benefits, we are a more productive nation. We appreciate the additional stability Congress and the Administration have offered to help businesses cover critical expenses, which include employer-provided coverage.

No one should hesitate to seek testing or treatment for COVID-19 due to concerns about costs. And we know there is more to be done. We thank Congress and the Administration for continuing to prioritize the health and well-being of every American, as well as the stability of our businesses and national economy in these unprecedented times. We appreciate their commitment. And as Congress begins work on a new relief package, we look forward to continuing our work together to ensure affordability of coverage for employers and employees alike.

Working together, we can and will overcome the challenge of COVID-19.