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AHIP, Members Meet with the President to Respond to Spread of COVID-19


Published Mar 11, 2020 • by AHIP

America’s Health Insurance Plans and leaders from several health insurance providers met with President Trump, Vice President Pence, and the White House Coronavirus Task Force to reaffirm our commitment to remove all cost barriers to testing and treatment for COVID-19. We will continue to work closely with government leaders on steps to safeguard the health of Americans.

The White House needs our help:

As part of our public-private partnership, health insurance providers are asked to share the following resources with members and clients:

Workplace, school, and home guidance from the CDC on addressing COVID-19 can be found here.

Information on the potential impact of COVID-19 on at-risk individuals can be found here.

Several resources are available to share with members, clients, and employees:

Watch a C-SPAN video of the press conference at the White House.

Matt Eyles, president and CEO of AHIP, issued the following statement following the White House meeting:

We appreciated the opportunity to meet with President Trump, Vice President Pence and the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

No one should hesitate to see their doctor to get tested and treated for COVID-19 because of costs. Health insurance providers across the country have taken action to remove cost barriers to care. America’s health insurance providers are committed to swift and significant action to help confront this challenge.

Working together with government leaders and industry partners, we can overcome this challenge and keep the American people safe and healthy.”

Read AHIP’s Board of Directors statement on addressing COVID-19.

Health insurance providers across the nation have already taken action against COVID-19, and you can learn more on our COVID-19 Issues Page.

We will provide more updates as the situation changes and ask everyone to keep sharing all COVID-19 statements and updates with us.